The health and safety of individuals is of paramount importance to every company and making this as easy as possible is what we hope to do.
Sectors that require to focus on Foreign Object Damage are increasing and include all engineering, rework and maintenance facilities and personnel working within these environments.
Increasing productivity and efficiency whilst increasing safety is what our Foreign Object Damage (FOD) kit can offer.
Kingscroft Logistics will work with you to understand the different aspects that can affect your business by FOD. Our staff will then develop products or a kit that suits your needs and allows you to deliver the improved safety to all concerned.
Kingscroft understands that as every business is different and every machine is also different, you will find that the FOD kits
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Our staff will work with your organisation to provide the best possible solution for your staff, making it a simple process which will decrease risk, improve safety, improve efficiency and productivity within an area that has caused concern for a very long time.
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The HSE uk has issued more guildlines for the aircraft industry for the prevetion of accidents and issues. Here is a link to the current HSE page.
Kingscroft Logistics has already worked with some of the leading global aeronautical companies to develop FOD single products which work perfectly within their manufacturing workshops and maintenance departments.
Highly coloured products which stand out from the crowd and cannot be missed is a necessity and this is now available from stock.
If you find that this product may be useful in your facility, please proceed to order. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your own specific size or item, please contact us on 01294 313348 or via email
Kingscroft Logistics has also worked with major companies who have found that to have a kit is the best option for staff who are called out to carry out maintenance or need to respond to a breakdown outwith factory facilities.
The knowledge that your engineer will have all items to hand to secure an area, carry out maintenance or repair without fear of being unsure what personal items he has brought along, can only bring efficiency in repairing the item with ease and as quickly as possible.
Your own FOD kit can be developed to cover all eventualities and can also incorporate industrial safety wear if required or signage covering different languages.
Please contact us on 01294 313348 or via email and take the first step to decrease the stress involved with breakdowns and out of hours emergency call-outs.